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For Freedom

"It was FOR FREEDOM that the Anointed King set us free..."
—Galatians 5:1

For Freedom FROM what, TO what?


  • SIN / Evil
  • "THE OLD MAN" (nature)
  • FLESH (the physical)
  • LAW ("the letter")


  • "THE NEW MAN" (divine nature)
  • LIFE (new, abundant)


  • Sin/evil
  • The nature of sin
  • Law
  • The "flesh" 
  • The world system
  • The enemy
  • And more...

What You'll Learn in FOR FREEDOM:

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free. Stand firm therefore..." (Galatians 5:1, The Bible)

  • The CRUX of our freedom​--the most important part
  • God's Solution for UPS & DOWNS
  • ​​How God Dealt with the Roots (past tense--crucial!)
  • ​​ God's Grace Given IN CHRIST
  • ​A NEW LAW for the New Spirit
  • ​Freedom UNDER GRACE (the only place it operates)
  • ​​Mercy Over Judgment
  • Escape Written Law & Truly Deal with the Flesh
  • Freedom OVER the Enemy, IN the World
  • Faith that Overcomes (a rare and practical understanding of faith and how to use it)
  • The OFFENSIVE WEAPON for the Fight of Faith
  • How to Deal with and UTILIZE All Temptation
  • Endurance & The Father's Personalized Training


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"This book should be required reading in every Bible School!"

—Dr. Charles Ndifon, USA
Founder & Director, Christ-Love Ministries

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"This book is MONUMENTAL!"

—Xue He, USA
Leader, Kingdom Embassy Intl.

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"A skillfully crafted book that charges straight into the heart of darkness to explode its lies and deceptions plaguing the children of God..."
—Christina Clemens, USA

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For Freedom deepened my understanding about my worth and value as a daughter of the most high King and what it really looks like to rest under grace. It has definitely increased my calmness and helped me to have more peace and joy in each moment.

I read this book in conjunction with the David's mentorship, and I experienced freedom from a lifelong bondage in the areas of food and body image. I will definitely refer back to this book on a regular basis. A keeper for sure!!

​—Jodi Jennings Dwyer, USA

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"I wanted to be free but I was not sure why I didn't seem to be free. Through this book, For Freedom by David O'Brien, I learned that we are free when we come to Christ but that we need to learn what that means in practical terms of our everyday life."

—Mark Rosin, Canada

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"For Freedom is a book that taught me about Freedom in Christ... David has an ability to simplify basic truths that can sometimes be quite hard to understand without guidance... It is something you need to keep going over and referring back to. I have referred back to it numerous times!

—Natasha Rowles, Australia

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"David O’Brien blazes a path for others to follow...I wholeheartedly recommend FOR FREEDOM to every serious Christian!"

—R. Wayne Hayworth, USA; over 50 years in ministry. Author of, "The Holy Spirit Today"

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About the Author: David O'Brien

David O'Brien is "The Bondage Breaker." He wrote FOR FREEDOM to share the Truths he acquired over many years, with those hungry to walk in more freedom. His shows, "For Freedom Radio" and, "The Purity Forum Broadcast" also multiply freedom in their hearers. His mentorship, Free to Reign, unlocks FREEDOM, brings STABILITY, and causes the fulfillment of DESTINY in people's lives. If you're hungry for Truth, you'll surely benefit greatly. David is a leader, serving in the HQ of Christ Love Ministries Intl, founded by Dr Charles Ndifon, in Rhode Island, USA

A RELATED MESSAGE from David O'Brien:

Proclaim FREEDOM to the Captives!!!

View these short clips below with liberating Truth for a walk of freedom.


Taught where David serves regularly, in Rhode Island, USA, on 3 Dec 2023

Why You MUST KNOW You're Free (Introduction)

Freedom FROM #1: Sin

Freedom FROM #2: the Old Nature

Freedom FROM #3 the Flesh

Freedom FROM #4: Law

Freedom FROM #5: Death

Freedom FROM #6: the World

Freedom FROM #7: the Enemy

Freedom TO #1: RIGHTNESS

Freedom TO #2: the New Man

Freedom TO #3: the Spirit

Freedom TO #4: the New Law

Freedom TO #5: Life

Freedom TO #6: Kingship in Light

Freedom TO #7: God's Household

Why Freedom #1: the Great Commission

Why Freedom #2: Discovery of Destiny

How Freedom Works #1

How Freedom Works #2

How Freedom Works #3

David's Song, "For Freedom"

Freedom FROM #1: Sin

Freedom FROM #2: the Old Nature

Freedom FROM #3 the Flesh

Freedom FROM #4: Law

Freedom FROM #5: Death

Freedom FROM #6: the World

Freedom FROM #7: the Enemy

Freedom TO #1: RIGHTNESS

Freedom TO #2: the New Man

Freedom TO #3: the Spirit

Freedom TO #4: the New Law

Freedom TO #5: Life

Freedom TO #6: Kingship in Light

Freedom TO #7: God's Household

Why Freedom #1: the Great Commission

Why Freedom #2: Discovery of Destiny

How Freedom Works #1

How Freedom Works #2

How Freedom Works #3

David's Song, "For Freedom"


All of these TRUTHS and much more are found in this book, FOR FREEDOM.

Purchase the eBook here for $1. Other valuable resources are available also and entirely optional.

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FOR FREEDOM pdf eBook - for $1PDF eBook version of the book, For Freedom. This book contains the live, heart-beat of the Father for his free Family! It sets free by the Truth.

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FOR FREEDOM pdf eBook - for $1PDF eBook version of the book, For Freedom. This book contains the live, heart-beat of the Father for his free Family! It sets free by the Truth.
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FOR FREEDOM pdf eBook - for $1PDF eBook version of the book, For Freedom. This book contains the live, heart-beat of the Father for his free Family! It sets free by the Truth.
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FOR FREEDOM - How God Freed You From Slavery - Softcover Edition
We are offering this extremely powerful book, with free s/h if you buy from us! This book proclaims the Good News in the area of FREEDOM, that applies to all who Believe!! By supernaturally knowing the Truth, it will free you. This book puts God's Fire in your spirit. 'Well, well worth the price.
Our Supernatural Help - Audio (2) & eBooklet
An excerpt from For Freedom, these truths illumine immersion in the Holy Spirit from the Scriptures, and lead a person into the experience of receiving it. Includes pdf eBooklet and 2 mp3 audio booklets: one with music, one voice only.
In The Beginning - pdf eBook & Audio Booklet
'Narrated by the author, David O'Brien. 'With background music by Dappy T. Keys. This eBooklet is a chapter from For Freedom and precursor to The Supernatural Purity-Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth that benefits both men and women on their journey. 'Well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design for man and woman, still valid for us today.
For Freedom: The Problem The Solution
This mini eBook was taken from the larger book, “For Freedom - How God Freed You from Slavery,” written by The Bondage Breaker, David O’Brien. It is a taste of For Freedom and a big blessing.
This message was given in the fall of 2023. In a follow up meeting, those in attendance testified to having received deep liberation through this 1 hour training. Listen to it, receive healing, and share with others. - with David O'Brien

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FOR FREEDOM pdf eBook - for $1PDF eBook version of the book, For Freedom. This book contains the live, heart-beat of the Father for his free Family! It sets free by the Truth.
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FOR FREEDOM - How God Freed You From Slavery - Softcover Edition
We are offering this extremely powerful book, with free s/h if you buy from us! This book proclaims the Good News in the area of FREEDOM, that applies to all who Believe!! By supernaturally knowing the Truth, it will free you. This book puts God's Fire in your spirit. 'Well, well worth the price.
Our Supernatural Help - Audio (2) & eBooklet
An excerpt from For Freedom, these truths illumine immersion in the Holy Spirit from the Scriptures, and lead a person into the experience of receiving it. Includes pdf eBooklet and 2 mp3 audio booklets: one with music, one voice only.
In The Beginning - pdf eBook & Audio Booklet
'Narrated by the author, David O'Brien. 'With background music by Dappy T. Keys. This eBooklet is a chapter from For Freedom and precursor to The Supernatural Purity-Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth that benefits both men and women on their journey. 'Well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design for man and woman, still valid for us today.
For Freedom: The Problem The Solution
This mini eBook was taken from the larger book, “For Freedom - How God Freed You from Slavery,” written by The Bondage Breaker, David O’Brien. It is a taste of For Freedom and a big blessing.
This message was given in the fall of 2023. In a follow up meeting, those in attendance testified to having received deep liberation through this 1 hour training. Listen to it, receive healing, and share with others. - with David O'Brien
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FOR FREEDOM pdf eBook - for $1PDF eBook version of the book, For Freedom. This book contains the live, heart-beat of the Father for his free Family! It sets free by the Truth.
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FOR FREEDOM - How God Freed You From Slavery - Softcover Edition
We are offering this extremely powerful book, with free s/h if you buy from us! This book proclaims the Good News in the area of FREEDOM, that applies to all who Believe!! By supernaturally knowing the Truth, it will free you. This book puts God's Fire in your spirit. 'Well, well worth the price.
Our Supernatural Help - Audio (2) & eBooklet
An excerpt from For Freedom, these truths illumine immersion in the Holy Spirit from the Scriptures, and lead a person into the experience of receiving it. Includes pdf eBooklet and 2 mp3 audio booklets: one with music, one voice only.
In The Beginning - pdf eBook & Audio Booklet
'Narrated by the author, David O'Brien. 'With background music by Dappy T. Keys. This eBooklet is a chapter from For Freedom and precursor to The Supernatural Purity-Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth that benefits both men and women on their journey. 'Well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design for man and woman, still valid for us today.
For Freedom: The Problem The Solution
This mini eBook was taken from the larger book, “For Freedom - How God Freed You from Slavery,” written by The Bondage Breaker, David O’Brien. It is a taste of For Freedom and a big blessing.
This message was given in the fall of 2023. In a follow up meeting, those in attendance testified to having received deep liberation through this 1 hour training. Listen to it, receive healing, and share with others. - with David O'Brien

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