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Christian Sex-Ed

We're living in a time when we're being pushed...
...back to God's original design and plan.



to help you: 

SUCCEED  in the areas of purity.

"His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the
supernatural knowledge of him who called us his own glory and goodness."
— James, an early apostle; 2Peter 1:3, the Bible (lit.)


to help you: 

PROTECT & EQUIP your young ones to shine like stars while in the world.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights..."
— James, an early apostle; James 1:17, the Bible


to help you: 

Learn your Father's value of marriage and the ways of marriage, for success before and within marriage.

This information can be helpful to EVERYONE!

Get the BEST sex-education.

Enjoy this gift from our GOOD FATHER.

Hold up the BANNER OF PURITY for our generation and all generations to come.

Start Learning Today!

Christian Sex-Ed:

  • Is completely different than what the world typically offers. It is full of wisdom, love & truth
  • Is not full of heavy, religious rules/chains. Liberating truth is only received from the loving Father
  • ​Provides a foundational and refreshing view of what sexuality really is, from our loving Father's perspective
  • Is not twisted; it's not a stuffy, choking thing and not perverted. God’s gift of sexuality is a wholesome blessing


To Get Started:

  • Browse our Resources Below. These are powerful tools to help you and others on the sometimes steep  journey in this world
  • Subscribe / Follow our Social Media free accounts. Check them out and, if you're blessed, share with others
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  • Share this with others who may  be interested and motivated to learn

  • Browse our Resources Below. These are powerful tools to help you and others on the sometimes steep journey
  • Scroll to the bottom & receive your powerful, free resources
  • Share this with others who may be interested and motivated to learn


Our Father desires us be transformed at this time, to transfigure & SHINE. That comes by being renewed by Truth.

These Powerful Tools Can Help Transform
You to Serve Others:


The Purity Forum

"If you missed this you should go back and watch it. You don't want to miss out on the good stuff!" - Dr Charles Ndifon, director, Christ Love Ministries Intl.


...exists to proclaim Truth that sets free.It enlightens, informs and empowers to live as bright LIGHTS right in the middle of a dark world, and to enjoy the fulness of what our good Father gives us in the areas of relationships, marriage & sexuality, child-raising, and grandchild-mentoring. 

God has destined that we "shine as the sun in the Kingdom of our Father" (Matthew 13:43, The Bible) and the time for that has already begun, "in the midst of a crooked and distorted generation" (Philippians 2:15, Bible)

You can find clips from the first Purity Forum, "Kept for His Purpose" currently on our YouTube Channel: click here.

Social Media:

YouTube Channel

On Empower Media Network

This Channel offers these Playlists:

  • The Basics: refreshing input from several godly sources
  • The Purity Forum: enlightening Truth that restores, educates and strengthens God's People in many ​crucial areas
  • The Purity Forum Broadcast: a 10 minute, daily broadcast covering many areas of practical need, for youth and adults. Aires 9:30pm EST, with episodes on demand
  • Healing the Brokenhearted: healing for all who need it and powerful instruction to help others
  • Walking Free from Media Traps: Practical wisdom that deals with media traps head on and overcomes them
  • ​For Freedom Broadcast: Powerful, practical episodes emphasizing the heart of the Good News of our Freedom
  • ​Rescuing Men: Truth specifically to strengthen men
  • Rescued: freedom for those affected by sex-trafficking
  • And more, with resources added daily!

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Book Series:

The Supernatural Sex-Ed Series



God has a pure sex-education for his People, revealed clearly in his Book, the Bible.

Using it as a flashlight we can navigate the environment we find ourselves in on earth at this time.

We can escape the pollutions.

We can raise high the standard of victory that we have through Jesus' cross, and have the most fun doing so.

The Precursor to the Series
Free eBooklet

Audio Booklet, Play Sample:

Book 1 in the Series
Free eBook

Audio Book, Play Sample:



The Purity Forum Broadcast

Click for an Episode

Live daily at 9:30pm EST 
(6:30pm Wednesdays)
On Empower Media Network YT & FB

For Freedom Broadcast

Click for an Episode

Select episodes on
Empower Media Network YT & FB
All at

Lovely Talk for Lovely Women

Click for an Episode

Episodes on Spotify

You matter, Your kids matter, those they'll reach matter

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In The Beginning - pdf eBookletThis eBooklet is a precursor to The Supernatural Sex Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth. 'A great introduction and well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design, still valid for us today. — David

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In The Beginning - pdf eBookletThis eBooklet is a precursor to The Supernatural Sex Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth. 'A great introduction and well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design, still valid for us today. — David
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In The Beginning - pdf eBookletThis eBooklet is a precursor to The Supernatural Sex Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth. 'A great introduction and well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design, still valid for us today. — David
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In The Beginning - pdf eBook & Audio Booklet
'Narrated by the author, David O'Brien. 'With background music by Dappy T. Keys. This eBooklet is a chapter from For Freedom and precursor to The Supernatural Purity-Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth that benefits both men and women on their journey. 'Well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design for man and woman, still valid for us today.
The New Creation In Male and Female - Free pdf eCopy
God has a purity education for his People, revealed clearly in his Book, the Bible. Using it as a flashlight we can navigate the environment on earth at this time. We can escape the pollutions. We can raise high the standard of victory that we have, through Jesus's cross, and have a lot of fun doing so! This book is one of many in The Supernatural Purity Ed Series. It will delight the sincere reader.
The New Creation In Male and Female - Audio Book (2)
Audio Edition of The New Creation In Male and Female, including 2 versions: one with music, and one voice only. God has a purity education for his People, revealed clearly in his Book, the Bible. Using it as a flashlight we can navigate the environment on earth at this time. We can escape the pollutions. We can raise high the standard of victory that we have, through Jesus's cross, and have the most fun doing so. This is Book 1 of The Supernatural Sex Ed Series. It will delight the sincere reader.

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In The Beginning - pdf eBookletThis eBooklet is a precursor to The Supernatural Sex Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth. 'A great introduction and well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design, still valid for us today. — David
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In The Beginning - pdf eBook & Audio Booklet
'Narrated by the author, David O'Brien. 'With background music by Dappy T. Keys. This eBooklet is a chapter from For Freedom and precursor to The Supernatural Purity-Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth that benefits both men and women on their journey. 'Well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design for man and woman, still valid for us today.
The New Creation In Male and Female - Free pdf eCopy
God has a purity education for his People, revealed clearly in his Book, the Bible. Using it as a flashlight we can navigate the environment on earth at this time. We can escape the pollutions. We can raise high the standard of victory that we have, through Jesus's cross, and have a lot of fun doing so! This book is one of many in The Supernatural Purity Ed Series. It will delight the sincere reader.
The New Creation In Male and Female - Audio Book (2)
Audio Edition of The New Creation In Male and Female, including 2 versions: one with music, and one voice only. God has a purity education for his People, revealed clearly in his Book, the Bible. Using it as a flashlight we can navigate the environment on earth at this time. We can escape the pollutions. We can raise high the standard of victory that we have, through Jesus's cross, and have the most fun doing so. This is Book 1 of The Supernatural Sex Ed Series. It will delight the sincere reader.
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In The Beginning - pdf eBookletThis eBooklet is a precursor to The Supernatural Sex Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth. 'A great introduction and well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design, still valid for us today. — David
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In The Beginning - pdf eBook & Audio Booklet
'Narrated by the author, David O'Brien. 'With background music by Dappy T. Keys. This eBooklet is a chapter from For Freedom and precursor to The Supernatural Purity-Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth that benefits both men and women on their journey. 'Well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design for man and woman, still valid for us today.
The New Creation In Male and Female - Free pdf eCopy
God has a purity education for his People, revealed clearly in his Book, the Bible. Using it as a flashlight we can navigate the environment on earth at this time. We can escape the pollutions. We can raise high the standard of victory that we have, through Jesus's cross, and have a lot of fun doing so! This book is one of many in The Supernatural Purity Ed Series. It will delight the sincere reader.
The New Creation In Male and Female - Audio Book (2)
Audio Edition of The New Creation In Male and Female, including 2 versions: one with music, and one voice only. God has a purity education for his People, revealed clearly in his Book, the Bible. Using it as a flashlight we can navigate the environment on earth at this time. We can escape the pollutions. We can raise high the standard of victory that we have, through Jesus's cross, and have the most fun doing so. This is Book 1 of The Supernatural Sex Ed Series. It will delight the sincere reader.

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Meet the Founder

David O'Brien

David O’Brien is a loving son of God, a husband and a father.

He serves as regional director in Christ Love Ministries International, alongside his father in faith and mentor, Dr. Charles Ndifon. He also serves God’s People as a co-leader at the headquarters of Kingdom Embassy Intl. in Rhode Island, USA. David serves both within the United States and abroad.

Also known as The Bondage Breaker and The Freedom Dr, David champions freedom and distinctiveness in the world, through the Living Word of the risen Christ. He started The Purity Forum and The Purity Alliance, to shine light for God’s People today, especially for youth. And he is the host of The Purity Forum Broadcast and For Freedom Radio. He is a part of the #DONTMESSWITHOURKIDS movement and also pioneering this movement, #CHRISTIANSEX-ED.

David spent years living and serving abroad in several countries of Africa and Asia, and he has written several books.

Together with his wife, Sonia O'Brien, he founded East-West Services, to offer relief, freedom, and healing to victims of human trafficking, turning them from slaves or survivors to thriver-heroes who rescue others!!!

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