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FF Summit Training - Group Rate

$400.00 - $1,200.00

Discounted rate per person, for groups of 2 or more

FF Summit Training

$147.00 - $466.00

FOR FREEDOM, pdf eBook


PDF eBook version of the book, For Freedom. This book contains the live, heart-beat of the Creator for his Family! It sets free by the Truth.

For Freedom Mentorship Session


One, 2-hour, Freedom Session, with follow up call. 50% off.

For Freedom Mentorship Session - 50% OFF


One, 2-hour, Freedom Session, with follow up call. 50% off.

Summit Training / Mentorship Bundle - Dynamite Blast or Ongoing Freedom Session


95% off one, 1-hour, Dynamite Blast Freedom Session with follow up call, or one, 1-hour Ongoing Freedom Session.

FOR FREEDOM - How God Freed You From Slavery - Softcover Edition


We are offering this extremely powerful book, with free s/h if you buy from us! This book proclaims the Good News in the area of FREEDOM, that applies to all who Believe!! By supernaturally knowing the Truth, it will free you. This book puts God's Fire in your spirit. 'Well, well worth the price.

The New Creation In Male and Female - Audio Book (2)


Audio Edition of The New Creation In Male and Female, including 2 versions: one with music, and one voice only. God has a purity education for his People, revealed clearly in his Book, the Bible. Using it as a flashlight we can navigate the environment on earth at this time. We can escape the pollutions. We can raise high the standard of victory that we have, through Jesus's cross, and have the most fun doing so. This is Book 1 of The Supernatural Sex Ed Series. It will delight the sincere reader.

In The Beginning - pdf eBooklet


This eBooklet is a precursor to The Supernatural Sex Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth. 'A great introduction and well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design, still valid for us today. — David



This audio message teaches strategies and imparts understanding on how to overcome what David calls "The Media Beast."

In The Beginning - pdf eBook & Audio Booklet


'Narrated by the author, David O'Brien. 'With background music by Dappy T. Keys. This eBooklet is a chapter from For Freedom and precursor to The Supernatural Purity-Ed Series. It contains healthy, fun, and foundational, timeless Truth that benefits both men and women on their journey. 'Well worth reading, "In The Beginning," covers God's original intent and design for man and woman, still valid for us today.



This message was given in the fall of 2023. In a follow up meeting, those in attendance testified to having received deep liberation through this 1 hour training. Listen to it, receive healing, and share with others. - with David O'Brien



A foundational, powerful message. Good for unbelievers and Believers. Please share it with others.

The FREEDOM GUIDE MAP: "How I Got Free from Media Traps"


This GUIDE MAP, "HOW I GOT FREE FROM MEDIA TRAPS" shows clearly my path to freedom, in which I map out 15, major areas to become aware of and reenforce, in order to walk steadily free from media traps. 'Includes an audio message of mine to listen to alongside the guide-map. This guide provides an overview of what is necessary and completely available, for freedom in the area of media traps.

God's Solution for Ups and Downs - Audio (2) & eBooklet


An excerpt from For Freedom, this Truth enables Jesus' disciples to walk stably in an unstable world, to protect the precious seeds of Truth God sows in you. Includes pdf eBooklet, 2 mp3 audio booklets: one with music, one voice only, AND an additional message on the subject (from The For Freedom Summit Training). This resource is a precious gift.